In 2021, The president of Mahasarakham University announces policies of Mahasarakham University sustainable development goals :  University development policy to promote SDGs. according to the principles of development of the United Nations. MSU is determined to operate in accordance with the vision and mission in accordance with SDGs. In Planet section in Goals 15; Life on Land.  

WRBRI to survey and control the invasive species in the Kut Deang wetland area at Koeng research station, Mahasarakham province. Also WRBRI have created a plan with the local community to eliminate at least 3 alien species of flora under IUCN (Pontederia crassipes Mart. Solms, Typha latifolia L., and Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck). On June 23, 2022. We cooperate with Mahasarakham provincial office and Koeng subdistrict administrative organization in beautiful canal project with clear water and Thailand’s National Canal Conservation Day. We implement to alien species impact reduction in these days.