In 2021, The president of Mahasarakham University announces policies of Mahasarakham University sustainable development goals:  University development policy to promote SDGs. according to the principles of development of the United Nations. MSU is determined to operate in accordance with the vision and mission in accordance with SDGs. In Planet section in Goals 15; Life on Land including food from aquatic ecosystems. Ingredients for cooking from legally caught fisheries are clean and safe.

Mahasarakham University and Kham Riang Municipality Organize a food quality inspection project “Clean cafeteria, safe food, mindful of health” in 2022, we received budget support from the Kham Riang Municipality, Health Insurance Fund. The activities held in 29-31 August 2022 at the Central Cafeteria (Talad Noi), MSU.

Announces policies of Mahasarakham University sustainable development goals in 2021